Purna Do Naya Loo (Exchange Offer)

Q1: Is Purna do Naya Loo valid for mobiles only?
Ans: NO! PdNl is valid for all electronic devices available in our store.
Q2: Do you buy faulty devices?
Ans: No! we don’t.
Q3: I am from Islamabad how can I get an exchange?
Ans: Till now Purna do Naya Loo is only for Karachi customers. Please contact our representative and ask for the current status.[LINK]
Q4: How much time it will take to reply back?
Ans: Normally it will take 6 working hours to reply back.
Q5:Do We have to be at your outlet for a swap deal?
Ans: Both options are available you can walk in or our representative will visit your place.
Q6: Can I exchange my Samsung with iPhone?
Ans: No! iPhones can only be exchanged with iPhones Only.
Q7: Can I exchange my iPhone with Samsung or Realme?
Ans: Yes! If you have iPhones we can exchange that with Samsung and other companies.
Q8: Your representative who is dealing in exchange offers.
Ans: Muhammad Ahsan is our PDNL representative .
Phone Number : +92 318 0206011
Email: ashan.pdnl@khareedomobile.pk
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/923180206011 [Click Me !]